Monday 13 November 2017

Should we carry on?

If anyone is reading this blog, and wants us to carry on blogging:

Comment below saying if you would like or wouldn't like us to carry on blogging and explain why....

If no one wants us to carry on then we will stop blogging. thank you xx

Thursday 20 April 2017


Hi, guys.... i'm so sorry we haven't posted in ages. we are studying for our exams now and haven't had much time. We will start posting regularly at the end of June because that is when our exams have finished. We swear that we will keep our word and will post every week. we would appreciate it if you guys gave us some ideas or feedback to see what you guys enjoy or dislike and what you guys need some advice in or if your friend needs some advice.

This blog post is advice about studying and good ways to study. I know..... studying is the last thing people want to hear but we all have to deal with it sometime and this is to help you.

Never think negetavely
Tell yourself that you are almost finished
think of how you will feel when you get good marks in your exam
Don't get distracted from your studying
Don't be ashamed of being that person who studys
think of your future and what you want
make goals
aim for high marks
ask for help if you need any

Good ways to study:
Cue cards
typing up notes 
using color when making notes
highlighting important things
Using trigger words
Make your own tests and exams on the things you have to study and then do those tests overt and over again
Make audio's/record your self reading all your notes and then replay those audios over and over again
use images to understand/study your content
Draw up mindmaps
Make sure you understand something, because if you try memorize something you dont understand you will not get very good marks and it will be much harder to learn
Find worksheets and do them
Get out your text book and start making notes everyday
Study the subjects you find the hardest first and then make it down to the subjects you find easier
Use key words to refocus yourself
Rewrite your notes at homee
try make it interesting
Start studying 1-3 months in advanced depending on how much you have to study 
Go over all your notes and resources over and over again until it is stuck in your head and you know the answer off by heart

Be organised:
File your pieces of paper correctly
Make a study timetable
Use files/books for each subject
Name all your pieces of work and label all your files, books, pages, documents, power point
Make a file on your computer and organise your subjects in different files to make it easier to find your work
Delete or throw away any duplicate pieces of work/ documents/ cue card so you don't get confused

Thank you so much for reading our blog. please give us feedback, comment, email us and follow us on social media. Hope this helped xoxox

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying is not a joke.... People get sued, sent to jail, commit suicide, become depressed, harm themselves, go to court, People seriously mess up their lives by sending a stupid text message. This blog post will be on how to deal with Cyber bullying (For the person who is receiving the messages).

Before we get started, you have to know the definition of Cyber Bullying......

Cyber Bullying: Is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

How i would deal with Cyber Bullying:
Ignore the person
Block them on your phone
Don't delete the messages (so you can show an adult)
TELL SOMEONE!!; Go to someone you trust, preferably an parent/teacher (adult).
Don't say anything mean or nasty if you reply to the message, because then you are as guilty as the other person
Don't believe what the messages say
Don't let the messages get to you.... Its just a stupid kid on the other line who wants to make you feel bad.... DON'T LET THEM MAKE YOU FEEL BAD!!!!!!
Take screenshots of the messages that he/she sent you
THEY ARE LIARS! DON'T BELIEVE THEM.... i know i already said that but i want you to really understand that because as soon as you let them get to you, you will become sad and might become depressed depending on how bad the cyber bullying is.

Kids who are cyber bullied are more likely to:
Have more health problems
Use alcohol and drugs
Experience in-person bullying
Will not want to go to school
Have poor grades
Skip school
Have lower self-esteem

25 percent of teenagers report that they have experienced repeated bullying via their cell phone or on the internet (in 2014). Over half (52 percent) off young people report being cyber bullied.

I know this is not a lot of advice and it is a pretty short post but that's because i wanted to give you a short understanding and some few tips about how to deal with it. If none of these things helped then please comment below/Give us feedback/Email us/DM us.

Hope this helped xx