Friday 3 March 2017

Whats Your Story?

Everyone has their own story......

We want to know your story <3 

Send us an email/DM/Comment below and tell us your story.
We will do a blog post and post your story... Any story eg. it can be funny, sad, happy, angry, irritating, horrible etc.

If your story get chosen we will email you or contact you on Instagram.

You can chose: 
  • You can choose for us to post your story anonymously
  • You can choose for us to post your story with your name
  • You can choose for us to post your story with a fake name

We are all unique and equally beautiful. We all have our own stories, we all live our lives differently and we all have different lives.

Share your story with us and keep up to date with our blog posts to see if your story is one of the chosen stories to be posted <3

Thank you for reading our blog so far <3
Please comment below, email us and give us feedback 

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