Sunday, 26 February 2017

Whats next?

- Blog ideas

These are some of our ideas on what our blog posts are going to be about.

Peer pressure
True friends
Parents fighting
Study tips
Losing weight healthy
Blog tips
Bad secrets
Bad habits
Family issues
Cyber bullying

If you have any ideas about what our next blog posts should be on then please comment below/email us/DM us. (if you want to comment anonymously, you can (there are options).

Thank you for reading our blog and please give us feedback.

loosing weight safley

Losing weight safely:

There is a big difference between loosing weight and loosing weight safely and I would rather everyone do it the safe way. By safe I mean 'without obsessing about your weight'. These are just tips on how to lose weight. The things I mention are things that worked for me when I wanted to loose weight, so they may not work for everyone. Hope my advice helps you lose weight safely <3

  1. Drink two glasses of water before each meal
  2. Do exercise (gym/running/sport/swimming) 5 times or less a week 
  3. Have a balanced set of food groups every meal
  4. try stay away from fast food, restaurants, unhealthy food, sweets, fizzy drinks
  5. drink two cups of green tea every night
  6. eat breakfast like a lord, lunch like a king and dinner like a prince (so basically you must eat the most at breakfast and the least at dinner
  7. Drink lots of water
  8. Try not snack a lot between meals
  9. Eat a high-protein breakfast
  10. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice
  11. Choose weight loss-friendly foods 
  12. Eat soluble fiber
  13. Drink coffee or tea
  14. Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods
  15. Eat your food slowly
  16. Don't over eat
  17. Don't count calories
  18. Don't obsess about what the scale says because different people have different body figures, shapes, curves, genes and abilities.
I have lots more tips and advice on how to loose weight safely, If you want to know more then email me/ comment below/ send me a direct on Instagram.

(One of my next blog posts will be on different exercises)

Thank you <3, I hope this helped you.
Please comment below and give me feedback.
If my advice is not helping, please contact me on:

Saturday, 25 February 2017


Hi, everyone. We now have an Instagram account if you follow us you will hear about the new blog posts, news, options, comments, pictures, ideas and many other things.

I know we haven’t posted anything on the Instagram account yet. That’s because we will only start posting once we have got at least 40 followers/viewers.
If you have any suggestions on what you want us to write about you can either contact us on...

Instagram: _escapinglies_

Or you can comment below and we will get back to you <3

That will be all for today, thank you <3

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Eating disorders

If you think you are fat:

This can be a real problem when you start thinking that you are fat. If you start obsessing about your weight and start starving yourself or puking up your food after you eat then you must tell someone. Someone that you trust.

DON'T STARVE YOURSELF! If you starve yourself you will mess up and slow down your metabolism and you will never be able to enjoy food or eat properly.

DON'T OBSESS!! If you keep obsessing about your weight you will end up with an eating disorder and when you get an eating disorder it will effect your life, future and it is very hard to get out of the mindset of thinking you are fat.

DON'T DIET!!! Diets are not good for you and they don’t work, I should know I tried one once it’s horrible and also messes up your metabolism + slows your metabolism down.

DON'T LOOK UP THINGS ON YOUTUBE! Anything and everything on YouTube without scientific proof is fake not true and must not be used.

The best thing to do is to exercise and eat healthy and balanced so for example, always have protein, veg or fruit, water, carbs (not refined carbs) in each meal.

Drink lots of water because it is good for you!

Here are some of the effects that n eating disorder can cause


Purposely making yourself vomit constantly can cause a variety of symptoms in the digestive area, beginning at the mouth. Sore throat, stomach pain are probably the first symptoms. The high acid content of vomit can damage teeth, causing enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity, and gum disease.

Bulimia is a mental health disorder. People with bulimia tend to show signs of depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorders. They’re also at risk for substance abuse problems and suicidal behavior.

Bulimia may cause moodiness and irritability. obsessive 
exercising or obsession of appearance are common symptoms. It’s not unusual for someone with bulimia to spend a lot of time thinking about food and how to control it. This may be accompanied by feelings of embarrassment and shame.

Excessive vomiting may cause a sore or swollen throat. Frequent purging can cause dehydration, leading to dry skin, weak muscles, and extreme fatigue. This is hard on the heart and can cause irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), weakened heart muscle, and heart failure.
Bulimia can cause low blood pressure, weak pulse, and anemia. Throwing up can be a violent event. The sheer force of it can even cause blood vessels in the eyes to rupture.
Bulimia can interfere with your menstrual cycle or stop it altogether. A hormonal imbalance and fatigue can kill your sex drive. If the ovaries no longer release eggs, conceiving a child becomes impossible. 

Pregnant women who continue to engage in bingeing and purging behaviors face additional complications for themselves and their babies.

These include:
maternal high blood pressure
gestational diabetes
premature birth
breech birth
higher risk of C-section
low birth weight babies
birth defects
breastfeeding difficulties

Symptoms of anorexia :
extreme weight loss
thin appearance
abnormal blood counts
elevated liver enzymes
dizziness or fainting
brittle nails
hair that thins, breaks or falls out
absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)
development of fine hair on the extremities (lanugo)
·dry skin
intolerance of cold
irregular heart rhythms
·low blood pressure
·osteoporosis, the loss of bone calcium, which may result in broken bones
If you’re concerned that you or someone you love may have 
an eating disorder, watch for these early warning signs of anorexia:
refusal to eat
denial of hunger, even when starving
difficulty concentrating
obsession with body size and shape
skipping meals
making excuses for not eating
eating only a few certain foods considered safe, usually those low in fat and calories
·adopting meal or eating rituals, such as cutting food into tiny pieces or spitting food out after chewing
·weighing food
·cooking elaborate meals for others but refusing to eat
In men or women with an abnormal preoccupation with food, several other behaviors should also be recognized as clear warning signs of anorexia nervosa, or possibly other eating or body image disorders:
excessive exercise
flat mood, or lack of emotion
repeated weighing of themselves
frequent checking in the mirror for perceived flaws
wearing baggy or layered clothing
complaining about being fat
Effects of anorexia:
Forced withdrawal from school or college
Loss of connection to faith or religion
Career disruption
Isolation from friends and family
The physical effects of starvation are often irreversible, and reflect the extremely high rate of deaths associated with anorexia nervosa:
Shutdown of major body systems
·Brain damage
Heart attacks

If you can relate to any of these symptoms...

Then email me, and tell me what’s wrong and I will try help 

Go to a therapist/socialist/doctor

Unknown crushing

How to get your crush to like and notice you:

Some girls find it hard to get there crush to recognize/like 
them and others find it easy. If you find it easy you can stop reading, or you can keep reading and find out other ways.

1.   Spend lots of time with him
2.   Make him laugh allot
3.   Become really close
4.   Become friends with the people around him
5.   Make sure he is not selfish and obnoxious
6.   Find his personality and that way you know how to not embarrass yourself in front of him
7.   BE YOURSELF!!!!
8.   Because you are beautiful just the way you are!
9.   Hang out with him out of school
10.               Share secrets (if you trust him)

If all fails............

Then send an email to me, tell me your situation and I will get back to you <3

Please give me feedback

Hope this helps, please comment below and have an amazing day <3


Hi guys, this blog has now got 1 admin and 2 authors so some of the stories that have been told are what one of the authors/admin have gone through and some of them we all went through.

Thanks for reading our blog so far, please give us feedback and email us on



Rumors suck! I can tell you that for a fact! 

I'm not going to lie and say no one will ever spread a rumor about you (if they haven't already). This post will help you deal with them.

People have spread rumors about me, making up things that are DEFINITELY not true. There was one rumor that someone spread about me, saying that I took drugs. They told all my friends, and they all turned against me (besides the people who ACTUALLY do take drugs). There is no way this rumor could be true, because everyone knows that I am TOTALLY against children our age taking drugs. I honestly thought that all my friends had turned against me (which most of them had). 

I was so sad, I didn't eat or sleep. People were judging me for mistakes I hadn't even made! I go to a small school, so it is hard to make lots of friends. My friends circle was very small, so when I started losing most of my friends due to a stupid rumor. The gossip and backstabbing eventually ended when I explained to my best friend (who I though would know it wasn't true), that it was all just a rumor. She then went around and explained to everyone that it wasn't true. I obviously tried to explain to them that it was just a rumor, but no one would speak to me because I was a "bad influence".

If you think I won't understand what you are going through, I have been through it all. 

If you have any stories about rumors that people have spread about you or you need any advice on rumors that people have spread about you, just email me on:

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Pimple problems

How to deal with pimples;

PIMPLES SUCK!!!! And I know that as a fact! When I had 
lots of pimples I tested out different things to see how to get rid of them. All I wanted was a smooth face with no pimples and these are some of the things I used or did. I hope this will help you.

·     Try not eat greasy or oily food like pizza or olives or burgers because that tends to make you get more pimples

·     I Used and tried “Environ: Sebuwash” and “lamelle clarity active cleanser” at different times to see if they helped and they definitely did! I used it every morning and night to wash my face. 

·     I also found that "Zo skin health TE pads" Helped to get rid of my pimples and worked like a charm. I used a half pad to tone my skin every night, which removes exes oil and reduces inflammation.

·     I also found pimple creams that really helped to get rid of pimples..... Like, lamelle clarity PM and AM cream, lamelle clarity active control etc.

·     There are a variety of masks that also help get rid of pimples.

·     I have had peels done at legs eleven, and they helped so much. Basically what they do is ...

·     There are also a variety of acne medications that are a huge help, such as; tetralysal, Acnevelle,

·     Always put on sunscreen while using any product or you will get pigmentation

·     If your pimples/ acne is really bad , go to a dermatologist and get a prescription to what she suggests and then go get the pills or cream from the pharmacy.

·     I got masks from dis-chem and they work a little but rather use the above

Here are different links to help you understand a little bit 
more about these different products and where you can purchase them:

most of the things I mentioned can be purchased on the second link I listed.

Hope this helped. <3

please give me feedback and comment below.