Monday 20 March 2017

Our Social Media

Our apology to why we have not been posting new things in the past 2 weeks....

I am so sorry that we have not been posting much these last few weeks. I know there is no excuse to not posting new blog posts, but the reason we haven't been posting is.... We have been sorting out all our social media/networking apps and accounts. So, since all of it is not sorted out properly yet we will be hopefully asking all you viewers to wait 2 weeks so we can get everything in order, so we can get back on track. After those 2 weeks we promise that we will post a blog entry every week or so.

We have now got escaping lies on:
Google +

Feel free to please go and contact us on any type of social media listed above, and we will get back to you ASAP! Thank you sooo much for reading our blog and for understanding why we have not posted in a while. Please comment below, give us feedback, tweet us, DM us, Message us, snapchat us or gmail us. <3

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